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A equipa

Core team

Fernando P. Lima a recolher dados de biodiversidade

Fernando P. Lima

Group Leader, Biogeography

Fernando is a marine scientist and group leader at CIBIO, University of Porto, Portugal. Broadly trained as a marine biologist, he has been studying the consequences of climate change on biodiversity and biogeography. His research tries to integrate processes and mechanisms that operate from the very finest to the very broadest scales. He is a co-founder of ElectricBlue, a tech start-up developing instruments for environmental monitoring and bio-logging.


Rui Seabra

Investigador, Variabilidade térmica

Rui estuda como a temperatura flutua nas costas rochosas a pequenas e grandes escalas espaço-temporais. É o líder do projecto de investigação CCTBON, que está a implementar uma rede destinada a monitorizar as temperaturas das costas rochosas e os padrões de biodiversidade em mais de 160 locais em todo o Atlântico. Rui também é especialista em prevenção de afogamento e cofundador da ElectricBlue, uma cooperativa tecnológica que desenvolve instrumentos para monitorização ambiental e bio-logging.


Cátia Monteiro

Investigadora, Biodiversidade

Cátia Monteiro is a marine biologist with a strong track record on studying the impacts of climate change on macroalgae. She is an expert on algae physiology,taxonomy, biogeography and genetics. Her work at CIBIO focuses on the biogeography of rocky shores communities, its induced changes due to global warming and how these are modulated by their microhabitat.


Rita Silva

Investigadora, Ciência de dados

Rita is a conservation scientist passionate about the power of data to drive efficient decision-making. Her research focuses on using emerging technology and globally shared information to improve knowledge of coastal ecosystems that can serve the scientific and non-scientific communities. Rita has a background in marine biology and evolving expertise in data science.


Bruno Loureiro

Investigador, Engenheiro Eletrónico

Bruno is an electronics engineer with extensive experience in the development of solutions for marine and maritime research.   He designs hardware, firmware and mobile applications to manage scientific instruments and dataloggers. Bruno is also a co-founder of ElectricBlue, a tech co-op developing instruments for environmental monitoring and bio-logging.


Rocío Nieto Vilela

Researcher, Thermal Physiology

Rocío é bióloga marinha especializada em compreender como o stress físico afeta os organismos da zona entremarés rochosa. Ela está interessada nas consequências do stress térmico, tanto em condições naturais quanto experimentais. Ela tem ampla experiência com uma variedade de espécies modelo, em várias variedade de regiões geográficas (NE e SW do Atlântico).

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Catarina Queiroga

Researcher, Drowning Prevention

Catarina is a microbiologist and an expert in drowning prevention and water safety. She is a team member of the CCTBON project, where, she helps us ensuring all fieldwork operations are undertaken efficiently and safely.


Luís Pereira

PhD Student, Electronics Engineer

Luís is a PhD student at the doctoral program BIODIV at CIBIO. His main interest is in the development of prototype electronics for bold ecological research. Luís has extensive experience in the realistic simulation of environmental conditions in the lab. He is currently developing an automated experimental chamber that simulates intertidal conditions for studying the role of local adaptation on rocky shore biogeography.


Joana Pereira

PhD Student, Biodiversity

Joana Pereira is a PhD student at the doctoral program BIODIV at CIBIO. She has been gaining experience in a variety of biodiversity survey techniques, as well as on the identification of European intertidal fauna and flora.  Her PhD thesis focuses on understanding the mechanistic links between climate change and coastal biodiversity, using a marine foundation species and its associated biodiversity as a model.


Laura Prigge

PhD Student,  Biogeography

Laura is a PhD student at the doctoral program BIODIV at CIBIO. Her PhD focuses on the biodiversity of marine macroalgae in the Gulf of Guinea.


Gabriela Borer

Lab Technician, Molecular Taxonomy

Terminado o mestrado, Gabriela pretende iniciar o doutoramento em 2024. O seu principal interesse é a aplicação de ferramentas genéticas no estudo da biodiversidade entremarés. Atualmente está a comparar o desempenho de diferentes técnicas de amostragem (visual in situ e ex situ, fotoquadratos e eDNA) na identificação de espécies rochosas entremarés.


João Nunes

MSc Student, UAS Surveying

João is a MSc Student at ICBAS. His thesis focuses on systematic and automated aerial surveys of rocky intertidal communities using Unmanned Aircraft Systems (drones).


Mar Humet

Estudante de Mestrado, Fisiologia

Mar está interessada nas respostas fisiológicas dos invertebrados do entremarés ao stress térmico e como a biodiversidade varia a diferentes escalas. Atualmente, ela está a trabalhar no projecto ANERIS, a recolher dados de biodiversidade e a organizar actividades de ciência cidadã. 


Hajer Bouraffa

MSc Student, Thermal Stress

Hajer is a MSc Student at IPB. Her thesis focuses on the buffering effect of rocky intertidal pools on the consequences of global warming.


Ana Luísa Mano

Técnica, Biogeografia

Ana Luísa works on the temporal dynamics of biogeographic patterns of rocky intertidal organisms along the European coastline.

Colaboradores externos

Francisco Arenas (Paco) collecting algae

Francisco Arenas


Francisco (Paco) is a marine scientist at CIIMAR, University of Porto, Portugal. He is interested in the ecology of marine invasions, impacts of climate change on marine systems, and the importance of biodiversity in the functioning of coastal ecosystems.

David S. Wethey near the coast

David S Wethey

University of South Carolina

David's research interests include biogeography, population dynamics, predator-prey and competitive interactions, conservation genetics, and the mechanisms by which organisms escape the physics of their habitats. He uses a combination of field and laboratory experiments and modelling to examine these processes. His field studies are currently being carried out on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of North America, the Pacific coast of Asia, and the Atlantic coast of Europe.

Brian Helmuthnuma praia rochosa

Brian Helmuth

Northeastern University

Brian's research and teaching focus on predicting the likely ecological impacts of climate change on coastal ecosystems, and on the people who rely on them for their well-being. His lab applies a wide range of approaches, including the development and deployment of novel sensors, physiological and ecological experimentation to measure the vulnerability of key marine organisms, and the mapping of these vulnerabilities to inform marine spatial planning.

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